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What to Bring

Trip Check List

  1. Vehicle/Transportation Plan: You'll need at least one car to rent from our shop and two vehicles or a shuttle plan if you're heading out to the river. Check out our FAQ page or give us a call for more info about this.

  2. Check the weather: It's never fun to get caught out in high winds or to be unprepared for an unseasonably hot day. We do our best to notify customers of any extreme weather that's expected or incoming weather when our customers are out on the water, but it's always best to check the weather in Mesa before you head out.

  3. Board, Kayak, Life Vests, Paddles, Kids?:  Double check for all of your equipment when you leave home, leave our shop, and when you leave your car for your adventure. It always sucks to have to run back home if you left a special life vest for a kid or dog or if you have to walk back to your car because you forgot a paddle or fin!

  4. Tonto Pass: These can be purchased in our shop, at most convenience stores in the area, and in some parking lots within the National Forest. 

  5. WATER: Don't underestimate the heat. Ensure you have plenty of drinking water for yourself and your group. 

  6. Snacks, Snack, Snacks: Need we say more,  just trust us on this one.  

  7. Sunscreen: Nobody likes feeling like a boiled lobster.

  8. Hat and Sunglasses: That Sonoran sun is no joke. Don't spend all day squinting.

  9. Life Vests: All of our rentals come with life vests, but we have a limited amount of sizes for children and none for dogs. If you have your own, we recommend you bring them.

  10. Dry Bag or Ziplock Bag: Keep your phone, wallet, keys, etc. safe and dry. We have small dry bags available for purchase in-store. 

  11. Bungees, paracord, carabiners: The easiest way to make sure you don't lose any of your stuff is to make sure it's secured properly! We occasionally have extra cords and carabiners we can lend out in the shop upon request. 

  12. Trash bags: Don't be trashy! Leave our local waterways cleaner than when you came. If you're bringing a dog, make sure you bring dog poop bags too. 

  13. Cooler: Nothing better than an ice-cold... water while you're floating. We have a small amount of coolers to lend out upon request. Please, no glass on the water.

  14. Water Shoes: Water shoes or sandals with a heel strap are preferable. Flip-flops are easily lost.

  15. Swimsuit or Athletic Clothes: Chances are high that you're going to get wet so keep in mind that some fabrics like cotton aren't a good choice. 

  16. Towels: Super helpful to have waiting in your car to dry off or clean off gear.

I Should Have Brought my......
Additional Items to consider

  1. Portable speaker: A necessary item if you want to listen to some tunes out on the water. We also rent these for a small fee.

  2. Fishing Poles: We have a limited amount of "river poles" which get the job done, but are not fancy by any stretch of the imagination. If you have your own gear, it might be best to bring it along.

  3. Binoculars: There are many species of birds and animals in the desert that can be fun to observe.

  4. Headlamp: A headlamp or a flashlight is a necessity if you're heading out for a night float, but also a great safety item just in case time gets away from you while you're out on the water.

  5. Toilet paper: Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go!

  6. Medication: Time flies when you're having fun and sometimes you lose track of it. If you are on any medication, please remember to bring it with you in case you end up staying longer than planned.

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